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Loading Types for Fatigue Analysis
You can input load history data for fatigue analysis using one of the following loading types:
Constant Amplitude—Use this option for models with constant amplitude loading. This is the easiest way to input load history data and is selected by default. Constant Amplitude provides three Amplitude Type options:
Peak-Peak—Uses a Min Load Factor of –1.0 and a Max Load Factor of 1.0.
Zero-Peak—Uses a Min Load Factor of 0 and a Max Load Factor of 1.0.
User-Defined—Allows you to enter values for the Min Load Factor and Max Load Factor.
Variable Amplitude—Use this option for models with variable amplitude loading. You can define the variation of the amplitude by manually entering load factors to specify the datum points of the amplitude curve. You can enter up to 100 load factors. Use the following buttons to modify the table that defines the variation of the amplitude.
Add Row—Adds numbered rows to the table. When you click Add Row, the Enter Rows dialog box appears. In the Start at field, enter the row number where you want to begin adding rows. In the Num Rows field, enter the number of rows you want to add. When you click OK, Creo Simulate adds the new rows and preserves any load factors you entered in rows above or below the new rows.
Delete—Deletes rows from the table. When you click Delete, you can use the Enter Rows dialog box to specify a Begin row and End row. When you click OK, Creo Simulate deletes all rows numbered from the Begin row through the End row.
Clear All—Click this button to delete all rows.
Import—Click this button to import the load factor data from a text file into the table. You can import a text file with upto a 100 entries. If you have more than 100 entries, only the first 100 entries are imported and the remaining are ignored.