鈑金 > Creo NC Sheetmetal > Nesting > To Modify Automation Options
To Modify Automation Options
In the SMT MFG AUTOMATION dialog box, click Options. Select one or more of the following options:
Display Options—Opens the SHOW SETUP dialog box. Select the required display option.
Warning Selection—Opens the WARNING SETUP dialog box. This dialog box enables you to select specific error messages for checking incoming parts. Select one or more of the following messages:
Thickness—Part thickness is different from the workpiece thickness.
NC seq type—Sequences associated with the part are incompatible with the chosen cell type.
Part with absent tools—The part cannot be manufactured with the selected tools.
NC seqs with absent tools—The NC Sequence cannot be manufactured with the selected tools.
Indexable tools—Tool not available in turret or indexable station.
Tool Type—Incompatible tool type selected.
NC seq with ext refs—NC and data part references are not available.
Part size—Selected part is larger than the workpiece.
Load/Save Items—Opens the SAVE/LOAD ITEMS dialog box. Select the required items to load or save.
List Columns—Enables you to customize field columns using the Customize List dialog box.