鈑金 > Creo NC Sheetmetal > Machine Zones and Clamps > To Define Machine Zones
To Define Machine Zones
1. Click Wrkcell in the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box.
2. Select the workcell with which you want to associate the machine zone.
3. Click Zones > Create. The MACHINE ZONE dialog box opens. Select one or more of the following options:
Zone Csys—Enables you to define or change the machine coordinate system.
Translate Direction—Specify the direction in which the workpiece is repositioned.
Workpiece Size—Displays the size of the workpiece.
Zone Size—Enables you to customize the size of the zone by X and Y axis.
Zone’s Offsets—Offsets the machine zone.
Automatic Adjusting—Adjusts the size of a machine zone if it does not fit on a workpiece.
Automatic Reposition—Determines if the workpiece can be repositioned automatically to machine-omitted hits (under clamps).
Zone Intersection—Click this check box to specify zone offsets.
Preview—Enables you to preview the feature before it is actually created.
4. Select either X Axis or Y Axis from Translate Direction to specify the direction in which the workpiece is repositioned.
5. Type the zone size in the Zone Size box. This is the zone dimension along the selected axis. Along the other axis, the zone extends the entire size of the workpiece.
When first created, all zones have the same size. The number of zones necessary to cover the whole workpiece along the selected axis, are created.
6. To change the zone size, change the value in the customized Zone Size box.
Whenever you modify the zone size, the number of zones necessary to cover the whole workpiece is recalculated.
7. Click OK.