鈑金 > Creo NC Sheetmetal > External Post Processors > CAM-POST > Generating CAM-POST MCD files
Generating CAM-POST MCD files
To generate an MCD file from a CL file:
1. From the SMT MFG NCL PLAYER, open the desired CL file.
2. Click FILE > Post Process. The PP OPTIONS menu appears. The following options are available:
Verbose—Invoke the verbose display of post-processing. If you check off this option, the post-processor is invoked with the -v option.
Trace—Trace all macros. If you check off this option, the post-processor is invoked with the -tra=cm option.
MACHIN—Use the post-processor file for the machine specified in the MACHIN statement of the CL file. If you check off this option, the post-processor is invoked with the -po=1 option. If you do not check off this option, the system prompts you to select a post-processor from the namelist menu of all available post-processors. The post-processor is then invoked with the po=<ppname> option, where<ppname> is the name of the post-processor selected.
PID—Use the process identification. If you check off this option, the system prompts you for the process identification string. The post-processor is then invoked with the pid=<pidstring> option, where <pidstring> is the string entered at the prompt. The string should not contain any spaces.
3. Click Done. The post-processor is invoked with the specified options. The post-processed file is named <fname>.tap, where<fname> is the name of the CL file being processed.