钣金件 > Creo NC Sheetmetal > Manufacturing Process > About SMT MFG MACHINING
Use the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box to create the data necessary to drive an NC machine tool to manufacture parts from a sheet metal workpiece. Functions such as nesting, tool setup, optimizing, and NC sequencing are controlled using the following buttons located in the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box.
Nesting—Nest Parts manually on the sheet metal workpiece.
Automation—Enter the Autonesting mode.
Components—Assemble parts on the sheet metal workpiece.
Regenerate—Regenerate the manufacturing assembly using different modes.
Csys—Select new machine Csys data.
Parameter—Specify workcell parameters.
Zones—Define machine zones, pads, clamps, cosmetic features, and so forth.
Turret—Define or modify the turret manager.
Create—Create a new operation.
Retrieve—Retrieve an existing operation.
NC Seq
Populate—Populate NC sequences.
Auto—Create Autotool NC sequences.
Optimize—Optimize the CL output.
New—Create a new NC sequence.
CL Output—Open NCL player to output CL file.