What's New Creo 7.0 > What's New: Creo Parametric 7.0 > Model Analysis > ModelCHECK Verifies the Saved Status of Layers
ModelCHECK Verifies the Saved Status of Layers
The new ModelCHECK check LAYER_SAVED_STATUS verifies the saved display status of standard named layers.
User Interface Location: Click File > Options > Environment > ModelCHECK Settings > Configuration Settings > Check files.
Release: Creo Parametric
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
Companies often have standards for the layers required in a model and for their visibility. You must check the saved status of those layers to ensure that the models adhere to the company standards.
Previously, the existing LAYER_STATUS check could only verify the layers based on their current visibility. Even if the LAYER_STATUS check passed in ModelCHECK, if that layer display status was not saved, the layer display reverted to the last saved status when the model was closed, which might conflict with the company standards.
The new LAYER_SAVED_STATUS check ensures that the last saved layer display status adheres to the company standards. If there is a conflict, it warns you that you need to fix the display status and save the status.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Yes, it replaces a previous ModelCHECK used for verifying the layer status.
Configuration options associated with this functionality: