Enhanced Reconstruction Process
The reconstruction process has been enhanced to perform a Boolean Merge on the bodies included in the optimization.
User Interface Location: Click Generative Design > Generate Design.
Release: Creo Parametric
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
When generating the results and outputting the geometry leveraging Reconstruction, the process has been enhanced to perform a Boolean Merge on the bodies included in the optimization. This generates a single body that represents the boundary representation of the result. The merged body include the preserved body and the reconstructed geometry body.
You can expand the RECONSTRUCTION group in the Model Tree to see the merge feature. If you want to remove the merge, you can either delete or suppress the merge feature.
With this enhancement, you can leverage the body in downstream tasks without needing to manage each body separately.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration options associated with this functionality: