What's New Creo 7.0 > What's New: Creo Parametric 7.0 > Detailed Drawings > Detail Option to Control Display of Lead Zeros When Showing Angular Dimension in Degree Format
Detail Option to Control Display of Lead Zeros When Showing Angular Dimension in Degree Format
It may be required to show the angular dimensions with leading zeros in order to be compliant with the detailing standards. This new option allows you to meet this requirement.
User Interface Location: N/A
Release: Creo Parametric
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
You can determine if the leading zeros are kept when showing angular dimension in degree format. This supports the ASME Y14.5 standard. The following new detail option is added:
yes*—Leading zeros are kept.
no—Leading zeros are removed.
Additional Information
Does this replace existing functionality?
No, it is complementary.
Configuration options associated with this functionality: