To Create a Plug or Slot Weld
Use the same procedure to create a plug weld or a slot weld. The only difference is that a plug weld's shape is defined by a diameter, and a slot weld's shape is defined by a diameter and a length.
1. Click Applications > Welding. The Welding tab opens.
2. Click Plug/Slot Weld. The Plug/Slot Weld tab opens.
3. To set the weld type, click the Symbol tab, and then choose Plug, Slot, or Detect Automatically.
Detect Automatically sets the weld type based on the selected references. When the centers of two cylindrical references are aligned, the weld is a plug. When the centers are separated by a distance, the weld is a slot.
4. To set the weld references, perform one of the following actions:
A gap can exist between the base surface and the side surfaces or contours. The gap must be less than the plug or slot weld depth.
Click , and then do the following:
1. Click the Location tab.
2. Click the Base Surface collector, and then select one surface or plane in the graphics window.
3. Click the Side Surfaces collector, and then select at least two cylindrical references and one side reference in the graphics window.
4. To set weld depth, perform one of the following actions:
To define a weld to intersect with all surfaces, select .
To define weld depth as a specified value, select . Type a depth value in the box next to .
Click , and then do the following:
1. Click the Location tab.
2. Click the Base Surface collector, and then select one surface or plane in the graphics window.
3. Click the Weld Contour collector, and then select chain references in the graphics window.
4. If you select a contour from a feature that is part of a pattern, select the Follow Pattern check box to select other contours in the pattern that correspond to the selected contour. The number of contours is displayed in the welding symbol.
5. To set weld depth, perform one of the following actions:
To define a weld to intersect with all surfaces, select .
To define weld depth as a specified value, select . Type a depth value in the box next to .
5. To set the weld diameter, type a value in the box.
6. If the weld is a slot weld, type a slot length value in the box.
7. To set a value for the countersink, type a value in the box.
8. To manually calculate the lightweight weld trajectory, click , click the Location tab, click the Lightweight weld trajectory collector, and then select chain references in the graphics window.
9. Click the Options tab, and define the weld options.
10. Click the Symbol tab, and define the properties of the weld symbol displayed in the graphics window.
11. To add a user-defined parameter, click the Properties tab, and then click Define. Enter a parameter in the Parameters dialog box that opens.
12. Click .