Creo Tutorials > Creo Tutorials > Creo Parametric Tutorials > Multibody Tutorials > Basic Tutorial - Multibody > Tutorial 7: Displaying Body Information in a Repeat Region Table
Tutorial 7: Displaying Body Information in a Repeat Region Table
In this tutorial, you learn how to display body information in a repeat region table.
It is recommended that you work through the exercises sequentially during one Creo Parametric session.
In the exercises that follow, you are instructed to use the commands from the ribbon.
This tutorial is divided into 4 exercises to make it easier to follow:
Exercise 1: Add Report Symbols—Add report symbols to the repeat region table.
Exercise 2: Display the Body and Part Information—Display the body and part information in the repeat region table.
Example 3: Modify the Appearance of Material for the Part—Modify the part material display in the repeat region table.
Example 4: Add a BOM Table—Add a new Bill of Materials (BOM) table for the part using table templates.
Watch a video that demonstrates the steps in this tutorial:
Exercise 1: Add Report Symbols
1. Set tutorial6_7 as the Working Directory and open multi_mtrl_inj_mold.drw. The repeat region table appears along with drawing views.
2. Click Table > Data > Switch Symbols. The existing report symbol rpt.index appears in the ITEM NO column.
3. Add a report symbol in the BODY NAME column as follows:
a. In the BODY NAME column, double-click the first row of the repeat region. The Report Symbol dialog box opens.
b. Click mdl > body > name. The report symbol is added.
4. Add a report symbol in the BODY MATERIAL column as follows:
a. In the BODY MATERIAL column, double-click the first row of the repeat region. The Report Symbol dialog box opens.
b. Click mdl > body > ptc_material > PTC_REPORTED_MATERIAL. The report symbol mdl.body.ptc_material.PTC_REPORTED_MATERIAL is added.
5. Add a report symbol in the MASS column as follows:
a. In the MASS column, double-click the first row of the repeat region. The Report Symbol dialog box opens.
b. Click mdl > body > User Defined. A text box appears.
c. In the text box, type MASS and click . The report symbol mdl.body.MASS is added.
For this tutorial, the MASS parameter is already defined as a user parameter for each body in the model.
6. Add a report symbol in the UNITS column as follows:
a. In the UNITS column, double-click the first row of the repeat region. The Report Symbol dialog box opens.
b. Click mdl > body > ptc_unit > User Defined. A text box appears.
c. In the text box, type MASS and click . The report symbol mdl.body.ptc_unit.MASS is added.
The following graphic shows all the report symbols added to the repeat region table:
This concludes the first of 4 exercises.
Exercise 2: Display the Body and Part Information
1. Click Table > Data > Switch Symbols. The repeat region table displays the body information.
2. Click Table > Data > Repeat Region. The TBL REGIONS menu appears on the Menu Manager.
3. Click Attributes and select the repeat region in the graphics window. The REGION ATTR menu appears on the Menu Manager.
4. Click Recursive > Done/Return.
5. Click Done. The table expands and the first row of the repeat region displays the part information.
The material value for the part is MULTI-MATERIAL.
This concludes the second of 4 exercises.
Exercise 3: Modify the Appearance of Material for the Part
1. Click File > Prepare > Drawing Properties. The Drawing Properties dialog box opens.
2. Click change next to Detail Options. The Options dialog box opens.
3. In the Option box, type ptc_reported_material_in_region and click inside the Value box.
4. In the Value list, select list and click Add / Change.
5. Click OK. The Options dialog box closes.
6. Click Close. The Drawing Properties dialog box closes.
7. Click Repaint on the graphics toolbar. In the first row of the BODY MATERIAL column, a list of materials assigned to all the bodies in the part appears.
This concludes the third of 4 exercises.
Exercise 4: Add a BOM Table
1. Click Table > Table > Quick Tables. The Quick Tables gallery appears with a preview of User Tables and System Tables.
2. Under Part, select the body description down table and click in the graphics window. The BOM table for the part is added.
This concludes tutorial 7.