About Cosmetic Threads
A cosmetic thread is a cosmetic feature that represents the diameter of a thread. Unlike other cosmetic features, you cannot modify the line style of a cosmetic thread.
You can create cosmetic threads using cylinders, cones, splines, and planes as the references. The surface that you thread determines whether the default placement is external or internal. The default placement is external if the surface is a shaft, and internal if the surface is a hole.
Simple versus Standard Threads
For internal surfaces, when you select a cylindrical or conical reference surface on which to place a thread, Creo compares the surface to the standard hole tables. If the surface is similar to a hole found in the tables, the selected surface's diameter is matched to a thread in the standard tables. The suggested values appear on the Thread tab. You can change these values or create a simple thread that is not based on standard tables. The comparison to the standard hole table is done only once. If you change the used surface, the cosmetic thread does not update according to the table.
Cylindrical versus Conical Simple Threads
For simple threads, different parameters appear on the Thread tab depending on whether the reference surface is cylindrical or conical.
Cylindrical Threads
Conical Threads
Minor diameter for an external thread
Major diameter for an internal thread
The THREAD_HEIGHT parameter is the distance measured from the reference surface perpendicular to the thread center axis.
Distance from the start surface to the end of the thread