To Remove Breaks
• To remove a break from a witness line:
1. Select one or more dimensions.
2. Place the pointer over a break dragger and right-click.
3. Click Remove Break on the shortcut menu. The break is removed. Break draggers are handles at the start and end points of a break.
• To remove all breaks from a single witness line:
1. Select a dimension.
2. Move the pointer close to a witness line from which you want to remove breaks till the pointer changes to

3. Right-click and click Remove Breaks on the shortcut menu. All breaks from the witness line are removed.
• To remove all breaks from one or more witness lines:
1. Select one or more dimensions.
2. Right-click outside the model in the graphics window.
3. Click Remove All Breaks on the shortcut menu. All breaks from the witness lines of all selected dimensions are removed.
• To remove breaks dynamically, drag the break draggers at the break points to overlap each other.