To Move a Symbol
You can move a symbol with a leader by selecting it and dragging it to the required location.
Click and drag the symbol with the four-way dragger () to the required location, retaining the attachment point.
Select a symbol, and press SHIFT, to convert the four-way dragger to a two-way dragger (). This allows adjusting the length of the elbow without changing the leader position and elbow intersection point.
Additionally, the secondary draggers are available at the leader attachment point and the elbow end of the symbol. You can drag these draggers to change the position of the leader of the symbol.
To move the symbol using the Move command, follow the steps given below:
1. Select the symbol in the Model Tree or graphics window and right-click. The shortcut menu appears.
To view the symbol in the Model Tree, click > Tree Filters > Annotations.
To select the symbol in the graphics window, select Annotation from the Filter list on the status bar.
2. Click Move on the shortcut menu.
3. Move the pointer to the new location. An outline of the symbol along with the leader line moves with the pointer.
4. Click to place the symbol in the new location or middle-click to cancel the move operation.