To Redefine an NC Sequence
The Edit Definition option allows you to modify parameters, references, tool, coordinate system and other elements of the sequence. When the NC sequence has children (e.g., material removal), you will be prompted to delete all the children before proceeding with the NC sequence redefinition.
1. Select the sequence on the Model Tree, right-click and select

from the shortcut menu. The tab for the sequence opens.
2. Modify the required machining references, parameters and other elements as required.
3. Select the following additional option if required. This is applicable only for classic steps.
◦ Step References—Select the sequence on the Model Tree, right-click and select Edit Step References. The REDEF NC SEQ menu opens with the following options:
◦ Attributes—Redefine the NC sequence attributes, such as 5 Axis to 4 Axis Holemaking cycle type. For example, Drill to Tap. After redefining the attributes, redefine the references if required.
◦ Operation—Specify another parent operation and workcell for the NC sequence. The operation must be older than the NC sequence (reorder the features first, if necessary). The system also checks if the NC sequence is compatible with the workcell type.
The NC sequence will be recreated using the new definitions. If any changes are made to the NC sequence that cause its regeneration to abort, then the redefining process will abort and the NC sequence will return to its original references.