About Parameter Properties
For each parameter, you can define the following properties:
• Name—You cannot edit the name of an existing user-defined parameter.
• Type—The following parameter types are supported:
◦ Integer—The value for this parameter is a number.
◦ Real Number—The value for this parameter is a decimal number.
◦ String—The value for this parameter is a string.
◦ Yes No—The value for this parameter is YES or NO.
◦ Note—The value for this parameter is the ID of a model note.
• Value—Specifies the parameter value.
• Unit—Defines units for a parameter from the list of units.
You can define units only for the parameter type Real Number and only while creating a parameter.
• Designate—You can designate selected system and user parameters for use as attributes in Pro/INTRALINK or another PDM system.
• Access—Defines access to the parameter as follows:
◦ Full—Parameters with full access are user-defined parameters. You can modify these parameters from any application.
◦ Limited—You can set full access parameters to limited access. You cannot modify parameters with Limited access by a relation. Limited access parameters are modified only through Family Tables and Program.
◦ Locked—Parameters with locked access are parameters that can be locked either by an external application such as Data Management System, Analysis features, Relations, or Program, or by a user. You can modify parameters locked by an external application only from within an external application. You cannot modify user-defined locked parameters from within any external application.
• Source—Indicates where the parameter was created or from where it is driven.
• Description—Provides a description for the parameter.
• Restricted—Indicates restricted value parameter whose properties are defined by an external file.