Importing IDX Files
You can import an EDMD (*.idx) file to Creo Parametric. The import of an IDX file creates a new ECAD assembly. The board can have components on top or on bottom. A board outline is required and you can set holes filtering. A notification and log file is created displaying and containing import information.
For faster retrieval, it is recommended to set the following configuration options:
• Set the
ecad_imp_bypass_brd_outl_fix to
yes to bypass fixing the board outline on import. You can edit definition of the imported board to fix it in Sketcher.
• Set the
ecad_comp_follow_board to
no. ECAD components that do not follow the board are automatically assigned the Explicit Fix constraint.
Importing the IDX File
1. Click

or > . The
File Open dialog box opens.
2. Select EDMD (*.idx) from the Type list. The IDX files are displayed in the file list.
3. Select a file and click Open. The Import New Model dialog box opens.
4. Click OK, the Holes Handling dialog box opens.
| Embedded holes (holes created as part of the component itself) in Xpedition are imported into Creo and behave as regular holes. |
5. Accept the default of lightweight holes and click OK. The new ECAD assembly opens.
6. To view notifications when you import an EDMD (
*.idx) file, click

at the bottom left of the Main Window. The Notifications area opens.
Fixing the Board Outline
When the board outline needs fixing, entities are converted to construction lines. You can fix the problems and convert the construction lines to solid lines. The board outline is created as a bounding box that encloses the board entities. When you fix the board entities, you can delete the bounding box.
1. Click > and select the Features check box. Features are displayed in the Model Tree.
2. Expand the board node in the Model Tree.
3. Expand the Wall Surface and select the ecad_import feature.
4. Right-click and choose

. The board opens in Sketcher.
5. Select and delete the bounding box.
6. Remove overlapping entities.
7. To convert entities from construction lines to solid lines, select the entity and click
