To Modify a Harness
1. Click

. The
HARNESSES menu appears.
2. Select the harness to modify from the list. The SUBHARNESS menu appears.
3. Create or modify a subharness or click Done. The selected harness is now the active Work Harness.
| The active harness name displays in the bottom left in the graphics window. |
4. Click
Setup. The
HARN SETUP menu appears.
You can specify the following options to modify a harness:
◦ Units—Set the LENGTH units for the harness.
◦ Name—Set the name for the following items:
▪ Component
▪ Feature
▪ Detail Item
▪ Other
◦ Report Defs—Set the default names for the following items in the drawing report tables:
▪ Cable Jacket
▪ Cable Shield
▪ Cable Pin
▪ Show Current—Displays the current name of the cable jacket, shield, and pin in the message area.
◦ Notes—Displays the MDL NOTES menu that enables you to manage the cabling assembly. You can add, modify, and remove the assembly notes.
◦ Smooth—Default setting for creating trajectories.
◦ Straight—Forces cable trajectories to be straight when possible.
◦ Round—Default setting for grouping cables in a bundle.
◦ Flat—Forces the cable to be in a flat grouping.
◦ Rt in Bndls—Checks to automatically routes wires in bundles when possible.
5. Click Done/Return.