Data Exchange > Interface > Validating Import > About Using Alternate or Calculated Mass Properties to Calculate Validation Score
About Using Alternate or Calculated Mass Properties to Calculate Validation Score
The Properties tab in the Import Validation Report lists the validation properties of the source and imported models such as surface area, volume, and the coordinates for the center of gravity (COG). Their original and calculated values and the maximum tolerance allowed for their translation are also listed. If the mass property values of the source models, such as volume and surface area, even slightly deviate from the maximum tolerance value limits, the comparison results fail and the Import Validation Report displays the failed validation status for the validation properties of volume and area.
You can then select the validation parameters of surface area and volume and individually designate them the alternate mass properties in the Parameters dialog box so that the mass property values of the source models are compared with the alternate mass property values. You can right-click the imported or opened assembly, part, or component model on the Model Tree, and click Import Validation > Use Alternate Mass Properties to designate the alternate mass properties to the imported or opened model. If the imported or opened models have been designated the alternate mass properties, only Use Calculated Mass Properties is available on the shortcut menu and you can use the calculated mass properties for the validation.
After a parameter is designated the alternate or calculated mass properties, you must click Update on the Import Validation Report before you designate alternate or calculated mass properties to another parameter of the model. When you click Update, the model is updated with the changed mass property value for the parameter. The Properties tab in the Import Validation Report also displays the changed mass property value. However, if you designate the alternate mass properties first and then right-click the model and click Import Validation > Use Alternate Mass Properties, you do not have to click Update on the Import Validation Report.
When you designate individual assembly components the alternate or the calculated mass properties, you must click Update on the Import Validation Report so that the assembly is updated with the changed mass property values of the component model. After the update, the Import Validation Report shows the alternate mass property values of the assembly model. However, if you first designate the alternate mass properties in the Parameters dialog box and thereafter right-click the model on the Model Tree and click Import Validation > Use Alternate Mass Properties, you need not click Update on the Import Validation Report. If an assembly model is designated alternate or calculated mass properties, it does not use the alternate or the calculated mass property values of its individual components for validation.
For multiple selections with some models designated the alternate mass properties while the others are designated the calculated mass properties, the Use Alternate Mass Properties and the Use Calculated Mass Properties options are available. If you select any one option, models designated the other type of mass properties are modified.
The Use Alternate Mass Properties and the Use Calculated Mass Properties options are also available in the Notification Center. You can right-click import validation failure notifications represented by the yellow triangle to access the Use Alternate Mass Properties or the Use Calculated Mass Properties option in the Notification Center.