Using Feature Creation Wizards
AutobuildZ includes feature creation wizards specific to the feature type that you want to create. The wizards guide you through each step of the feature creation process when you specify the details on the current screen of the wizard.
The appropriate selection tools are provided by default in the feature creation wizards. For example, when you select entities to define the section profile, the chain method of multiple selection of entities is automatically enabled as the default selection method.
The feature creation wizards display relevant information about the entities selected on the drawing, such as the IDs of entities and the view in which they are defined on the drawing. When you select entities on the drawing to define section profiles of extruded and revolved features, the relevant feature creation wizards display the results of the automatic validation of the entities.
When the selected drawing entities represent existing surfaces or datum planes in the current part, in addition to displaying the name of the datum plane and the ID of the surface, you can also highlight these surfaces and datum planes. You can preview the feature elements or the 3D model in the secondary Creo Parametric window at any time during feature creation.
To automatically move to the next screen of the feature creation wizard without clicking Next on the current screen, you must select Automatic forward in the Preferences dialog box. You can also move back to the previous steps of the feature creation process, that is, the previous screens of the feature creation wizard, to change details that you had entered earlier.
You can exit the feature creation wizard at any time during the feature creation process. Geometry, such as an offset datum plane, that is created during the feature creation process, is deleted when you exit the wizard.