시뮬레이션 > Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Previous Analysis Options for Prestress Analyses
Previous Analysis Options for Prestress Analyses
The following items appear on the Previous Analysis tab on the Prestress Static Analysis Definition and Pre-Stress Modal Analysis Definition dialog boxes:
Use static analysis results from previous design study—Select this option to use results from a previously run linear static analysis when you include a static analysis in a prestress analysis. If this option is not selected, Creo Simulate runs the static analysis as part of the prestress analysis.
Design Study—Select a design study to include in the prestress analysis if you selected Use static analysis results from previous design study.
Static Analysis—Select a linear (large deformation, contact, and other non-linear options are not valid) static analysis to include in the prestress analysis.
Load Set—Select a load set to include in the prestress analysis. If you include a static analysis in which the Sum Load Sets checkbox is selected, you cannot select load sets to include in the prestress analysis. A combined load of all the loads in all the load sets is used during the analysis.
Load Scale Factor—Enter a factor to multiply stress results from the previous static analysis for a prestress analysis.
Combine results with results from previous static analysis (available for prestress static analysis only)—Select to combine results from a previous static analysis with results from a prestress static analysis.