Grouping for ANSYS
You can use layers to split a model into logical substructures.
When you save a finite element analysis output file for ANSYS, for a model with layers, consider the following points:
A model can contain a single part or multiple parts. It can also have layers that create logical substructures. The layers can be named to differentiate them. For example, a steel structure can have a layer called “chord” with quilts that represent the chord of a girder. Quilts that represent the web of a girder can be on a layer named “web”.
Elements and their attached nodes are grouped for lower level components such as layers and parts. In this way you can have layer groups and part groups. Groups inherit the names of the corresponding components or layers.
Part groups contain all element types. Solid geometry can be placed in a layer and then solid elements associated with it are placed in that group.
For a part group note the following points:
An element or a node can be a part of more than one group. A node attached to the elements from different groups will appear in each of these groups. An element defined on a feature which is mentioned in a layer will appear in both the layer group and the parent part group.
By default, groups are not saved to the output file for ANSYS. Set the fem_ansys_grouping configuration option to yes to do so.
A group of a single part model is saved to the output file for ANSYS. This means that for every model there will be at least one group with all elements and their nodes. Elements on both quilts and solid-geometry, referenced from a layer are included in the resulting group.
When you save an output file for ANSYS, layer names are saved with the CMSEL command.
Refer to the Fundamentals Help for more information on creating layers.
Return to Using Layers.