제조 > Expert Machinist
To Modify Stock Outline
You can change the position of the stock with respect to the reference model by rotating the axes of the Stock Origin coordinate system or aligning them to the reference part geometry.
1. Click the Modify Outline field in the Options area of the Create Stock dialog box.
The Modify Outline area of the dialog box expands. It contains the following options:
Rotate—Rotate stock about the axes of the Stock Origin coordinate system.
Align Axis—Align the axes of the Stock Origin coordinate system to the entities of the reference model geometry. If the Move to axis checkbox is selected, the Stock Origin coordinate system will be moved to the selected reference, otherwise it is rotated about its origin to align the direction of the coordinate system axis with the selected reference.
2. Click Rotate, select an axis option (X, Y or Z), and move the slider below to the desired angle. The current slider position is shown in the Value text box. You can also type the desired rotation angle in the Value text box.
The system rotates the stock and displays the Stock Origin coordinate system in the new orientation.
3. Click Align Axis, select an axis option (X, Y or Z), select or clear the Move to axis checkbox, as necessary, then click the button with the Select arrow.
The GEN SEL DIR menu opens with the following commands:
Plane—Use a plane normal to specify direction.
Crv/Edg/Axis—Use a straight edge or curve segment or a datum axis to specify direction.
Csys—Use a coordinate system axis to specify direction.
4. Click the command you want on the GEN SEL DIR menu and select an entity on the reference model. Then use the Flip and Okay commands to reverse or accept the direction (shown by a red arrow).
The system moves the stock and displays the Stock Origin coordinate system in the new position.