Creo Interactive Surface Design (Style) > Regeneration > To Resolve a Style Feature
To Resolve a Style Feature
Failed features are internal entities that fail to regenerate. Blocked features are children of failed entities that cannot be regenerated until a failed parent is resolved.
1. If needed, to zoom in to the failed or blocked feature, in the Style Tree or graphics window, click the feature and choose Zoom to selected.
2. Perform one of the following actions:
In the Style Tree or graphics window, click a failed or blocked feature and choose Resolve. The Resolve dialog box opens with the failed or blocked feature selected.
Click Style > Operations > Resolve. The Resolve dialog box opens.
To select a failed feature, select the feature from the list on the Failed tab.
To select a blocked feature, click the Blocked tab, and select the feature from the list.
3. Select a failed entity in the list to highlight it in the view and to see a description of the failure in Explain box. You can resolve the failure by choosing one of the following resolve actions:
Click to redefine the unresolved entity.
Click to unlink this entity from all of its failed references.
Click to convert a planar or COS curve to a free curve.
Click to suppress the selected entity and all of its children.
Click to delete this entity and all of its children.
If you attempt to delete parent geometry without deleting the children, the children are highlighted, and you are prompted to delete, unlink, or suspend that geometry.
Click to display the information dialog for the selected unresolved entity.
Click to attempt regeneration of the unresolved entity.
4. Click Close.