Creo Simulate > Creating Analyses > Structural Analysis > Static and Prestress Static Analyses > To Create a Static Analysis
To Create a Static Analysis
1. Click Home > Analyses and Studies. The Analyses and Design Studies dialog box opens.
2. Click File > New Static. The Static Analysis Definition dialog box opens.
3. Type a name for the analysis. A description is optional.
4. Select Nonlinear / Use Load Histories to create individual load histories for each load set in an analysis.
If your model contains nonlinearities, the Nonlinear / Use Load Histories check box is selected by default. You can create nonlinear analyses of the following types:
Large Deformation Static Analysis
Static Analysis of Models with Contact Interfaces
Static Analysis of Models with Hyperelastic Materials
Static Analysis of Models with Elastoplastic Materials
Static Analysis of Models with Nonlinear Springs
5. Select a constraint set. To select multiple constraint sets, click the Combine Constraint Sets check box.
6. Select one or more load sets. If you select more than one load set, you can select the Sum Load Sets check box to merge the loads of all selected load sets.
If your constraint set includes an enforced displacement constraint, you do not need to select a load set.
For models with temperature-dependent material properties you must include structural temperature loads in the same set, or in summed sets, applied to different areas of the model, or MEC/T loads to define the temperature distribution over the model.
7. Select Inertia Relief to analyze the model for the specified load sets without applying any constraints. This option is available only for a linear static analysis.
* If your model is already constrained, Creo Simulate ignores the specified constraints during the analysis.
8. Select additional options for the static analysis on the following tabs:
Excluded Elements
9. Click OK to accept the analysis definition.
The Analyses and Design Studies dialog box reappears displaying the name and type of the new analysis.