Configuration Options for Sketcher
1*, <0-13>
Specifies the number of decimal places to round newly created angular dimensions.
2*, <0-14>
Specifies the number of decimal places that are displayed for dimensions.
yes, no*
yes—Selection points snap to a grid
no—Turns the grid snap off so that any location can be selected.
default*, drawing_color, sketch_color
Specifies the color of sketched sections.
To set a different color, click
File >
Options >
System Appearance >
Sketcher >
To set a different color, click
File >
Options >
System Appearance >
Graphics >
After you set this option, it takes effect immediately in the current session.
yes, no*
yes—Displays the entity ID in the help text.
no—Does not display the entity ID in the help text.
Once set, this option takes effect immediately in the current session.
yes, no*
yes—Line style and color of the imported geometry entity are retained when you preview the geometry entity in the sketcher palette or import the geometry into an active section.
no—Line style and color setting of the current sketcher session is used when you preview the geometry entity in the sketcher palette or import the geometry into an active section.
2*, 0, 1
0—Does not create the dimensioning references automatically.
1—Automatically adds orientation references as dimensioning references.
2—Automatically creates two dimensioning references.
yes, no*
Controls selection of background geometry to create references.
yes—Automatically uses selected background geometry.
no—Does not automatically use selected background geometry.
yes, no*
yes—Uses blended background in 3D Sketcher.
no—Does not use blended background.
The option has no effect if blended background is turned off generally. After you set this option, it takes effect immediately in the current session.
yes*, no
yes—Collinear constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Collinear constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
yes, no*
yes—Enables font kerning for the text string. This controls the space between certain pairs of characters, improving the appearance of the text string. Kerning is a characteristic of the particular font.
no—Font kerning for the text string is not considered.
yes*, no
yes—Sketcher solver will automatically create diameter dimensions for dimensions created by Intent Manager to Axis of Revolution.
no—Sketcher solver will not create diameter dimensions for dimensions created by Intent Manager to Axis of Revolution.
yes, no*
yes—User-defined dimensions are locked when created.
no—User-defined dimensions are not locked when created.
yes*, no
Controls the display of constraints in Sketcher.
yes—Displays Sketcher constraints.
no—Hides Sketcher constraints.
After you set this option, it takes effect immediately in the current session.
yes*, no
yes—Displays Sketcher dimensions
no—Hides Sketcher dimensions
After you set this option, it takes effect immediately in the current session.
yes, no*
yes—Displays the grid.
no—Hides the grid.
Controls the display of a grid in the graphics window.
yes*, no
yes—Shows the endpoints and vertices.
no—Hides the endpoints and vertices.
Controls the display of endpoints and vertices in the graphics window.
yes*, no
yes—Weak dimensions are displayed.
no—Weak dimensions are not displayed.
yes*, no
yes—Equal length constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Equal length constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
yes*, no
yes—Equal radii constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Equal radii constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
Sets the grid angle that overrides the default value of 0.
Sets the number of radial lines when the grid is set to polar.
Sets the value of the radial spacing when the grid is set to polar and the sketcher_set_grid_method configuration option is set to static.
cartesian*, polar
cartesian—Shows a Cartesian grid when the grid is displayed.
polar—Shows a polar grid when the grid is displayed.
Sets the type of grid displayed in the graphics window.
yes*, no
yes—Shows the endpoints.
no—Hides the endpoints.
Controls the display of endpoints that do not coincide with other endpoints or entities.
yes, no*
Sets the conversion of dimension units of imported files.
yes—Dimension units are converted.
no—Dimensions are interpreted (for example, 1” becomes 1mm).
yes*, no
Improves the performance while importing geometry.
yes*, no
Controls the type of dimension created for normal dimensions with only background geometry selected as references.
yes—Creates known dimensions, for example kd#.
no—Creates reference dimensions, for example, ref#.
yes*, no
yes—Line up horizontal constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Line up horizontal constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
yes*, no
yes—Line up vertical constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Line up vertical constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
1*, <1–3>
Defines the thickness of the line used for sketcher geometry.
yes, no*
yes—Modified dimensions are locked.
no—Modified dimensions are not locked.
yes*, no
yes—Midpoint constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Midpoint constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
Specifies the path for the sketcher shape directory that contains the subdirectories that define the tabs and shapes that you define for the sketcher palette.
You can also specify a PDM location as the Sketcher shape directory. Ensure that you are in the PDM environment and have adequate access rights to the PDM location.
yes*, no
yes—Parallel constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Parallel constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
yes*, no
yes—Perpendicular constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Perpendicular constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
yes*, no
yes—Point on entity constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Point on entity constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
yes, no*
yes—Glyphs are used for highlighting snapping and permanent constraints in Creo Parametric.
no—Icons and guides are used for highlighting snapping and permanent constrains in Creo Parametric.
yes*, no
Controls the behavior of altering the view after a modification has been made to refit the entire sketch on screen.
Type a value between 1.0E-9 (0.000000001) and 1.0.
yes*, no
yes—Same point constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Same point constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
yes, no*
Controls whether selection files should be saved with embedded image information used to preview sections in the File and Open dialog boxes.
dynamic*, static
Sets the method controlling grid display.
dynamic—Automatically sets the grid display.
static—Manually sets the grid display.
Enter an x grid spacing value to override the default x grid spacing value.
Enter a y grid spacing value to override the default y grid spacing value.
yes*, no
Controls the shading of areas bounded by closed chains of sketched entities that do not overlap.
yes—Shades closed loop areas.
no—Does not shade closed loop areas.
yes*, no
Controls whether to allow snapping to model geometry in sketches.
yes—Snapping to model geometry, such as edges and surfaces is enabled.
no—Snapping to model geometry is not enabled.
very low, low, medium, high, very high*
Adjusts the sensitivity of the snapping to geometry.
yes*, no
Defines initial model orientation in Sketcher mode.
yes—2D orientation, looking directly at section (sketching) plane.
no—Orientation unchanged. Sketch directly on the 3D part.
After you set this option, it takes effect immediately in the current session and affects the subsequent orientation of models in Sketcher.
yes*, no
yes—Rounds off the values of new dimensions and of weak dimensions when they are converted to strong dimensions.
no—Does not round off the value of new dimensions and of weak dimensions when they are converted to strong dimensions.
yes*, no
yes—Symmetric constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Symmetric constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
yes*, no
yes—Tangent constraints are used by the Intent Manager.
no—Tangent constraints are not used by the Intent Manager.
yes*, no
yes—You can undo a view orientation operation in Sketcher.
no—You cannot undo a view orientation operation in Sketcher.
Sketcher saves a copy of each function performed. The number of possible saved functions depends on the number specified in the option. The undo menu can be used to remove the stored functions. After you set this option, it takes effect immediately in the current session.