The config.gmc file must be available in the directory specified by the $MCDIR environment variable and must have access permissions. If the file is not available, the GeomIntegrityCHECK configurations options are not visible. However you can run GeomIntegrityCHECK. In this case, GeomIntegrityCHECK uses the config.gmc file in the system directory, in which configuration files are stored. The path of the file is as follows:
You can give a new configuration file any name, as long as it has the .gmcextension.
• When you change the default check values, the changes remain in effect for the remainder of that session. The default settings reappear when Creo Parametric is started again.
• Configuration files can be stored in two locations:
◦ MCDIR—The environment variable used to specify the location of configuration files.
◦ Working directory—The directory in which you store the files you created.