Model-Based Definition > Model-Based Definition > Annotation Features > About Working with the Combined Views > Publishing Combination States
Publishing Combination States
The Publish column that is available in the All tab of the View Manager dialog box allows you to control the publishing of combined state.
The Publish column provides the list of check boxes that control the publishing of various combination states:
When you select a check box, the combination state is published in Creo View
When you clear a check box, the combination state is not published in Creo View. That is, the combination state is not visible in Creo View.
The Publish check box is selected by default for all new created combination states. You can also control publishing of the combined state from Combination state tab. The Publish option is available when you right-click the Combination state tab.
Default — This option is available when you right-click the combination state tabs. The combination state for which you select the Default check box will be available by default when you load the model in Creo View. Such a combination state is referred as the default state. The default combination state is marked by icon in the View Manager dialog box.
Make Default — This option is available when you right-click the combination state in the View Manager list. It allows you to mark the current combination state as default. Only a single combination state can be marked as the default. The default combined state is reset and the selected Make Default combination state is set as default.