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What's New Creo 6.0
What's New: Creo Parametric 6.0
What’s New in the Creo 6 Release
Advanced Framework Design (AFX)
Customization Is Improved in Advanced Framework Design (AFX)
Create References On the Fly in AFX
Verify Project Command Is Added in AFX
Assembly Design
Zooming to Selected Reference from the Reference Viewer
Access to Varied Items from the Inheritance Feature
Active Component Is Easier to See in the Model Tree
Check Reference for Existing Fasteners in IFX
Model Analysis
Creo EZ Tolerance Analysis Is Introduced
Reports Are Improved in Creo ModelCHECK
Add Customized Help Links to Your Report
New and Updated Checks
Exporting a Creo ModelCHECK Report
Data Exchange
Export Materials, Colors, and Lattices to 3D Manufacturing Format
Disabling Import Validation
Import Improvements for Inventor
Associative Drawing Import from Creo Elements/Direct Supports Cutaway Views
Associative Drawing Import from Creo Elements/Direct Supports Partial Views
Improved Associative Drawing Import from Creo Elements/Direct for Section Views
Data Management
Windchill Status in the Model Tree and in the Notification Center
Reusing the Common Name
Create Drawing Names Based on the Model Name for the Drawing
Additional System Parameters for Models Managed by Windchill
Design Exploration
Support for Additional Modules in Design Exploration
Detailed Drawings
Option to Control Snapping of Leader Annotation for Normal and Tangent Placement
Configuration Option to Control the Display State of Layers in Drawings
New Values for Drawing Detail Option gtol_datums for Detailed Drawings
Shortcut to Apply Box Formatting to Text in Notes
Configuration Option to Control the Default Tolerance Table Setting for Dimensions in Detailed Drawings and Model-Based Definition
Cross-Section Arrows and Names Move Together in Drawings
Control Length of Intersected Contours Beyond Intersection Point in Drawings
Align Ordinate Dimensions with a Baseline
New Palette Section for Most Recently Used Symbols Added to the Text Editor Dialog Box for Notes
New Value for tol_display
New Placement Options for Placing Assembly GTOLS to be Placed on Dimension Witness Lines of a Part
New Value for maintain_limit_tol_nominal for Detailed Drawings and Model–Based Definition
Configuration Option to Define the Type of Symbols Palette in Detailed Drawings and Model-Based Definition
Configuration Option to Maintain Tolerance Value in Detailed Drawings and Model-Based Definition
Definition of Witness Lines Extension Is Updated in Detailed Drawings
Modernized Notes in Model-Based Definition and Detailed Drawings
Arrowheads for Dimensions Are Modernized in Model-Based Definition and Detailed Drawings
Name Your Drawings Automatically in Detailed Drawings
Control Offset of Basic Dimension to Its Leader in Detailed Drawings
Delete Contents of Table Cells in Detailed Drawings
Electrical Design
Working with Tie Wraps Is Easier
Working with Markers Is Easier
Creating Tables in Creo Harness Manufacturing
Customization Is Easier in Creo Harness Manufacturing
Error Handling Is Improved in Creo Harness Manufacturing
Hide Parts When Viewing in Augmented Reality (AR)
Configuration Option to Turn Off the Disclaimer for Data Transfer
Improved User Experience Working with Features
HoloLens Is Supported for Viewing Models in Augmented Reality (AR)
Number of Models to Publish Is Increased in Augmented Reality (AR)
Managing Your Model in Augmented Reality (AR)
Enhanced Display of Objects in the Graphics Window
Improved Usability in Sketcher
Appearance of the Model Tree Is Easier to Control
Modernized and Improved Charting Tool
Evaluating Software Is Easier
Embedded Browser Is Updated to Version 64
Java Is Not Installed with Creo
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables Are Included
Notification of Maintenance Releases
Update Internet Protocol to Version 6 (IPv6)
Backing Up Customized Template Files
Support for Beam Lattices in 3D Manufacturing Format (3MF) in Additive Manufacturing
Create Slices for Supported Lattice Types in Additive Manufacturing
Faster Computation of Lattices in Additive Manufacturing
Formula-Driven Cells for Lattices in Additive Manufacturing
Stochastic Lattices Are Available in Additive Manufacturing
Material Homogenization for Lattice Simulation in Additive Manufacturing
Export Materials, Colors, and Lattices to 3D Manufacturing Format
New Lattice Transitions in Additive Manufacturing
Custom Is Added as a Lattice Type in Additive Manufacturing
BETA: Slicing for 3D Printing in Additive Manufacturing
Build Direction Command Is Added in Additive Manufacturing
Automatically Define Drill Depth in Subtractive Manufacturing
Dragger Support for Thread Turning in Subtractive Manufacturing
Dynamic B-Axis Tuning in Subtractive Manufacturing
Model-Based Definition
New Shortcut Option to Designate Multiple Model Annotations as Control Characteristics
New Palette Section for Most Recently Used Symbols Added to the Text Editor Dialog Box for Notes
Detail Option to Control Scale of Hatch Pattern Created from a Sketch Feature
New Value for tol_display
Controlling the Visibility of Axes in Model-Based Definition
New Value for maintain_limit_tol_nominal for Detailed Drawings and Model–Based Definition
Configuration Option to Define the Type of Symbols Palette in Detailed Drawings and Model-Based Definition
Configuration Option to Maintain Tolerance Value in Detailed Drawings and Model-Based Definition
Modernized Notes in Model-Based Definition and Detailed Drawings
Arrowheads for Dimensions Are Modernized in Model-Based Definition and Detailed Drawings
Better Management of Stacked Annotations When Working with Annotation Features
Improved Handling Between Parent and Child for Annotations in Model-Based Definition
Enhanced Propagation of Annotation Elements for Data Sharing Features in Model-Based Definition
More Flexibility When Working with Annotation Features in Model-Based Definition
Assignment of Inheritance Feature Annotations to Combined States Is Improved in Model-Based Definition
Part Modeling
New Value for tol_display
Enhanced Projection of Datum Points
Default Value for Drill Tip Angle Is Configurable
Default Value for Extrude Depth Is Improved
Create a Helix Curve in a Volume Helical Sweep or a Helical Sweep
Default Value for Creating a Midplane Is Improved
Faster Computation of Lattices in Additive Manufacturing
New Lattice Transitions in Additive Manufacturing
Stochastic Lattices Are Available in Additive Manufacturing
Formula-Driven Cells for Lattices in Additive Manufacturing
Custom Is Added as a Lattice Type in Additive Manufacturing
Use Render Studio When Outputting Movies
Emissive Appearance Is Supported
Sheetmetal Design
Enhanced Productivity and Usability When Working with Wall Features
Improved Regeneration Performance for Sheet Metal Cuts
User Interface for Merge Walls Is Modernized
ANSYS Solver for Creo Simulation Live is Updated
Creo Flow Analysis Wizard
Creo Flow Analysis Animation Creation
New Tools in the Fluid Domain Creation Tab
Creo Flow Analysis X–Y Plot Enhancement
Results Legend for Creo Simulation Live Is Improved
Creo Simulation Live Is Available in Creo
Support for Assemblies in Topology Optimization
Results in Topology Optimization Are Improved
Facet Editing Is Supported in Topology Optimization
Reconstruct Geometry from an Optimized Model, in Freestyle
Select the Level of Detail for Geometry Reconstruction in Topology Optimization
Resolve Mode Is Improved in Style
Customize Default Connections in Style
Soft Point Collector Is Added to Edit Curve in Style
Mini Toolbar Is Supported in Freestyle
Suppressing Shapes in Freestyle
Performance Is Improved in Freestyle
Displaying Align Regions in the Freestyle Tree
Creo Tutorials
Creo Tutorials
Creo Parametric Tutorials
Beginners Tutorials
Introduction to Creo Parametric
Downloading Models for the Tutorial
Selecting the Working Directory
Exercise 1 – Modeling a Piston
User Interface
Creating a New Part
Creating an Extrusion
Removing Material
Creating Rounds
Creating Datum Features
Creating Sketches
Creating Extrusions Using the Sketches
Mirroring Extrudes
Creating Holes
Creating Rounds
Creating a Revolve
Creating Patterns
Finalizing the Piston
Exercise 2 – Creating Complex Parts with Patterns
Creating Patterns
Creating Chamfers
Creating and Patterning Holes
Exercise 3 – Working with Assemblies
Piston Assembly
Assembling a Solidworks Assembly
Crankshaft Assembly
Exercise 4 – Performing Motion Analysis
Motion Analysis
Exercise 5 – Creating Drawings
Piston Part Drawing
Piston Sectioned Views
Detailed Views
Annotating Drawings
Crankshaft Assembly Drawing
Creo Flexible Modeling
Beginners Tutorials
Creo Flexible Modeling Description and Uses
Downloads for the Creo Flexible Modeling Tutorial
About the Creo Flexible Modeling User Interface
Moving Geometry
Working with Rounds and Chamfers
Maintaining Tangency
Working with Patterns
Removing Features
Updating Drawings
Creo Intelligent Fastener Tutorials
Beginners Tutorials
Introduction to Creo Intelligent Fastener Beginner Tutorial
Exercise 1 - Assembling Fasteners in Existing Holes
Exercise 2 - Assembling a Fastener Onto a Datum
Exercise 3 - Reassembling a Fastener Onto a Datum
Exercise 4 - Assembling Fasteners Using Mouse Clicks
Exercise 5 - Redefining Fasteners
Exercise 6 - Deleting Fasteners
Advanced Tutorials
Requirements for Creo Intelligent Fastener Advanced Tutorial
Downloads for Creo Intelligent Fastener Advanced Tutorial
Assembling Fasteners
Exercise 1 – Assembling Fasteners with Orientation
Exercise 2 – Assembling Fasteners on All Instances and Patterning
Exercise 3 – Creating Fasteners Without External References
Exercise 4 – Verifying Screw Connections
Assembling Dowel Pins
Exercise 5 – Assembling Dowel Pins on Points, Axes, or Holes
Exercise 6 – Assembling Dowel Pins by Mouse Click
Integrating and Customizing Parts
Exercise 7– Integrating Legacy Screw Fasteners into the IFX Library
Exercise 8 – Integrating a Single Screw Fastener into the PTC Creo Intelligent Fastener Library
Exercise 9 – Migrating Parts with Family Tables
Exercise 10 - Troubleshooting for Adding Legacy Fasteners
Creo Advanced Framework Extension
Beginners Tutorials
Creo Advanced Framework (AFX) Basic Tutorial
Introduction to Creo Advanced Framework
Exercise 1: Defining an AFX Project
Exercise 2: Assembling Profiles
Assembling Profiles on a Straight Curve
Assembling Profiles Between Two Points
Assembling Profiles on Bend Curves
Reusing Profiles
Patterning Profiles
Exercise 3: Creating Joints
Joining Two Profile Ends
Joining Profile Ends to Other Profiles
Joining Profile Ends to Selected Surfaces
Creating Profile Cutouts
Exercise 4: Modifying and Moving Profiles
Rotating and Moving Profiles
Modifying Profile Section Size
Modifying Profile Section Type
Exercise 5: Assembling Connector and Equipment Elements
Assembling a New Endplate Connector
Reusing an Endplate Connector
Modifying an Endplate Connector
Assembling an Equipment Plate
Exercise 6: Creating Bills of Material (BOMs) and Drawings
Creating a BOM of Components Assembled by AFX
Automatically Creating Profile and Plate Drawings
Clearance and Creepage Extension
Beginners Tutorials
Exercise 1 —Assigning Meta Data
Exercise 2 — Defining Electric Nets
Exercise 3 — Setting Analysis Parameters
Exercise 4 – Reviewing Analysis Results
Exercise 5 — Saving Analysis Results
Creo Mold Machining Extension Tutorial
Introduction to High-speed Mold machining
Exercise 1: Creating High-Speed Milling Sequences
Creating High Speed Rough Sequence
Creating High Speed Rest Rough Sequence
Creating High Speed Finish Sequence
Creating High Speed Rest Finish Sequence
Exercise 2: Working with High-Speed Milling Parameters
Working with Rough and Rest Rough Parameters
Working with Finish and Rest Finish Parameters
Exercise 3: Creating Sequences Using Multiple Orientations
Creating Rough and Rest Rough Sequences Using Multiple Orientations
Creo Simulate Tutorials
Beginners Tutorials
Introduction to PTC Creo Simulate Lite
Exercise1—Setting up a Model for Analysis
Exercise1—Setting up a Model for Analysis
Opening a Model in PTC Creo Simulate Lite
Assigning a Material
Creating Constraints
Creating Loads
Running Analyses
Exercise2—Reviewing Analyses Results
Exercise2—Reviewing Analyses Results
Reviewing Results
Creating Cutting Surfaces
Creating Capping Surfaces
Evaluating Results
Exercise3—Optimizing the Design
Exercise3—Optimizing the Design
Assigning a Material
Creating and Running a Design Study
Reviewing Results
Optimizing the Design
Confirming Optimized Results
Creo Flow Analysis Tutorials
Beginners Tutorials
Creo Flow Analysis Beginners Tutorials
Tutorial 1 - Power Inverter without Heat Transfer
Power Inverter without Heat Transfer: Overview
Power Inverter without Heat Transfer: Exercise 1—Extracting the Fluid Domain
Power Inverter without Heat Transfer: Exercise 2—Preparing the Mesh
Power Inverter without Heat Transfer: Exercise 3—Defining Physics Modules
Power Inverter without Heat Transfer: Exercise 4—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Power Inverter without Heat Transfer: Exercise 5—Creating a Monitoring Point
Power Inverter without Heat Transfer: Exercise 6—Performing the Simulation
Power Inverter without Heat Transfer: Exercise 7—Analyzing Results
Tutorial 2 - Power Inverter with Conjugate Heat Transfer
Power Inverter with Conjugate Heat Transfer: Overview
Power Inverter with Conjugate Heat Transfer: Exercise 1—Extracting the Fluid Domain
Power Inverter with Conjugate Heat Transfer: Exercise 2—Preparing the Mesh
Power Inverter with Conjugate Heat Transfer: Exercise 3—Defining Physics Modules
Power Inverter with Conjugate Heat Transfer: Exercise 4—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Power Inverter with Conjugate Heat Transfer: Exercise 5—Performing the Simulation
Power Inverter with Conjugate Heat Transfer: Exercise 6—Analyzing Results
Tutorial 3 - Cyclone Separator
Cyclone Separator Overview
Cyclone Separator Exercise 1—Extracting the Fluid Domain
Cyclone Separator Exercise 2—Preparing the Mesh
Cyclone Separator Exercise 3—Defining Physics Modules
Cyclone Separator Exercise 4—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Cyclone Separator Exercise 5—Creating Monitoring Points
Cyclone Separator Exercise 6—Performing the Simulation
Cyclone Separator Exercise 7—Analyzing Results
Advanced Tutorials
Creo Flow Analysis Advanced Tutorials
Tutorial 1 - Cyclone Separator With Particle Separation
Cyclone Separator with Particle Separation: Overview
Cyclone Separator with Particle Separation: Exercise 1—Extracting the Fluid Domain
Cyclone Separator with Particle Separation: Exercise 2—Defining Physics Modules
Cyclone Separator with Particle Separation: Exercise 3—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Cyclone Separator with Particle Separation: Exercise 4—Preparing the Mesh
Cyclone Separator with Particle Separation: Exercise 5—Creating Monitoring Points
Cyclone Separator with Particle Separation: Exercise 6—Performing the Simulation
Cyclone Separator with Particle Separation: Exercise 7—Analyzing Results
Tutorial 2 - Cabin Radiation with Convection and Radiation
Cabin Radiation with Convection and Radiation: Overview
Cabin Radiation with Convection and Radiation: Exercise 1—Extracting the Fluid Domain
Cabin Radiation with Convection and Radiation: Exercise 2—Defining Physics Modules
Cabin Radiation with Convection and Radiation: Exercise 3—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Cabin Radiation with Convection and Radiation: Cabin Radiation Exercise 4—Preparing the Mesh
Cabin Radiation with Convection and Radiation: Exercise 5—Creating Monitoring Points
Cabin Radiation with Convection and Radiation: Exercise 6—Performing the Simulation
Cabin Radiation with Convection and Radiation: Exercise 7—Analyzing Results
Tutorial 3 - Multicomponent Mixing using a Nozzle
Multicomponent Mixing using a Nozzle: Overview
Multicomponent Mixing using a Nozzle: Exercise 1—Extracting the Fluid Domain
Multicomponent Mixing using a Nozzle: Exercise 2—Defining Physics Modules
Multicomponent Mixing using a Nozzle: Exercise 3—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Multicomponent Mixing using a Nozzle: Exercise 4—Specifying Volume Conditions
Multicomponent Mixing using a Nozzle: Exercise 5—Creating Monitoring Points
Multicomponent Mixing using a Nozzle: Exercise 6—Preparing the Mesh
Multicomponent Mixing using a Nozzle: Exercise 7—Performing the Simulation
Multicomponent Mixing using a Nozzle: Exercise 8—Analyzing Results
Tutorial 4 - Multiphase Fuel Tank
Multiphase Flow for a Fuel Tank: Overview
Multiphase Flow for a Fuel Tank: Exercise 1—Adding the Simulation Domain
Multiphase Flow for a Fuel Tank: Exercise 2—Creating Boundary Conditions
Multiphase Flow for a Fuel Tank: Exercise 3—Preparing the Mesh
Multiphase Flow for a Fuel Tank: Exercise 4—Defining Physics Modules
Multiphase Flow for a Fuel Tank: Exercise 5—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Multiphase Flow for a Fuel Tank: Exercise 6—Defining Fluid Properties
Multiphase Flow for a Fuel Tank: Exercise 7—Performing the Simulation
Multiphase Flow for a Fuel Tank: Exercise 8—Analyzing Results
Tutorial 5 - External Air Flow for a Truck
External Air Flow for a Truck — Overview
External Air Flow for a Truck: Exercise 1—Adding the Simulation Domain
External Air Flow for a Truck: Exercise 2—Defining Physics Modules
External Air Flow for a Truck: Exercise 3—Preparing the Mesh
External Air Flow for a Truck: Exercise 4—Assigning Boundary Conditions
External Air Flow for a Truck: Exercise 5—Performing the Simulation
External Flow for a Truck: Exercise 6—Analyzing Results
Tutorial 6 - Mixing Tank
Mixing Tank — Overview
Mixing Tank: Exercise 1—Extracting the Fluid Domain
Mixing Tank: Exercise 2—Adding the Simulation Domain and Boundary Conditions
Mixing Tank: Exercise 3—Preparing the Mesh
Mixing Tank: Exercise 4—Defining Physics Modules
Mixing Tank: Exercise 5—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Mixing Tank: Exercise 6—Performing the Simulation
Mixing Tank: Exercise 6—Analyzing Results
Additional Tutorials
Creo Flow Analysis Additional Tutorials
Tutorial 1 - Natural Convection
Natural Convection: Overview
Natural Convection: Exercise 1—Setting up the Model
Natural Convection: Exercise 2—Creating Boundaries
Natural Convection Exercise 3—Preparing the Mesh
Natural Convection: Exercise 4—Defining Physics Modules
Natural Convection: Exercise 5—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Natural Convection: Exercise 6—Creating a Monitoring Point
Natural Convection Exercise 7—Performing the Simulation
Natural Convection: Exercise 8—Analyzing Results
Tutorial 2 - Turbulent Flow in Diffuser
Turbulent Flow in Diffuser: Overview
Turbulent Flow in Diffuser: Exercise 1—Setting up the Model
Turbulent Flow in Diffuser: Exercise 2—Preparing the Mesh
Turbulent Flow in Diffuser: Exercise 3—Defining Physics Modules
Turbulent Flow in Diffuser: Exercise 4—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Turbulent Flow in Diffuser: Exercise 5—Creating a Monitoring Point
Turbulent Flow in Diffuser: Exercise 6—Performing the Simulation
Turbulent Flow in Diffuser: Exercise 7—Analyzing Results
Tutorial 3 - Vortex Shedding
Vortex Shedding: Overview
Vortex Shedding: Exercise 1—Setting up the Model
Vortex Shedding: Exercise 2—Preparing the Mesh
Vortex Shedding: Exercise 3—Defining Physics Modules
Vortex Shedding: Exercise 4—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Vortex Shedding: Exercise 5—Performing the Simulation
Vortex Shedding: Exercise 6—Analyzing Results
Tutorial 4 - Cavitation over an Orifice
Cavitation over an Orifice: Overview
Cavitation over an Orifice: Exercise 1—Setting up the Model
Cavitation over an Orifice: Exercise 2—Preparing the Mesh
Cavitation over an Orifice: Exercise 3—Defining Physics Modules
Cavitation over an Orifice: Exercise 4—Assigning Boundary Conditions
Cavitation over an Orifice: Exercise 5—Performing the Simulation
Cavitation over an Orifice: Exercise 6—Analyzing Results
Topology Optimization Tutorials
Beginners Tutorials
Introduction to Topology Optimization Tutorial
Downloading and Opening the Model
Setting Up the Model
Setting Up the Optimization and Creating the Mesh
Setting Up and Running the Optimization Study
Exploring the Results of the Topology Optimization Study
Constructing a New Optimized Model
Editing the Freestyle Feature
Creo Render Studio Tutorials
Beginners Tutorials
Creo Render Studio Beginner Tutorial
Introduction to Creo Render Studio Beginner Tutorial
Downloading the Model for this Tutorial
Exercise 1—Changing the Appearance of the Model’s Surface
Exercise 2—Changing the Scene
Exercise 3—Rendering in Real Time
Exercise 4—Saving the Rendered Image
PTC Mathcad Tutorials
Optimize Your Design with Engineering Notebook Powered by PTC Mathcad
Embed PTC Mathcad Worksheet
Link PTC Mathcad Input Regions in PTC Creo Parameters Table
Set the Volume of Piston Head Equation Using the PTC Mathcad Equation Editor
Set the Surface Area of Engine Block Using the PTC Mathcad Equation Editor
Set the Minimum Engine Displacement Using the PTC Mathcad Variable Definition
Using PTC Mathcad Solve Block
Push Results to PTC Creo Parametric
Configuring Creo Parametric
Configuring Creo Parametric
Configuring Creo Parametric
About Configuring Creo Parametric
Configuration Option Settings for English and Metric Unit Systems
To Add or Remove Configuration Options from Favorites
To Import or Export a Configuration File
To Set Configuration Options
Model-Based Definition
Data Management
Design Exploration
Part Modeling
Data Exchange
Detailed Drawings
Assembly Design
Advanced Framework Design
Welding Design
Electrical Design
Mold Design and Casting
Model Analysis
Language Support
Other Modules
Welcome to the Creo Parametric Online Help
To Use the F1 Key for Context-Sensitive Help
What’s New in the Creo 6 Release
Displaying Align Regions in the Freestyle Tree
Creo Tutorials
Push Results to PTC Creo Parametric
About Configuring Creo Parametric
To Set Configuration Options