Interface > Working with Data Exchange Formats > Tessellated Files > In-Session and Direct VRML Export > VRML Files
VRML Files
For each Creo part and assembly file, a corresponding VRML file is created. For each part file, a number of VRML level-of-detail (LOD) files are created.
An object is represented graphically by many shaded triangles that make up its form and shape (tessellated format). An LOD is a particular graphical representation that consists of faceted surfaces made up of a certain number of triangles. Multiple levels of files are produced by VRML export, each with a different number of triangles. The more triangles that describe the model, the more detail you see.
The system writes the VRML files to the current working directory. The software creates the following naming conventions between the Creo files and the assembly and part VRML files:
<assembly_name>.asm exports to <assembly_name>_a.wrl

<part_name>.prt exports to <part_name>_p.wrl
When simplified representations are exported assemblies that have a non-occurring component, they are named:
<assembly_name>.asm exports to <assembly_name>_s#.wrl
When an assembly feature has intersecting components, they are named (part and assembly are modified):
<assembly_name>.asm exports to <component_name>_af#_a.wrl

<part_name>.prt exports to <component_name>_af#_p.wrl
Use the direct export to export components that have a sub layer in DISPLAY status.
The LOD files for each part have the following naming conventions between the Creo files and the LOD VRML files:
<part_name>.prt exports to <part_name>_pr#.wrl
# is the number of the particular VRML file. The smaller the number, the greater the LOD in the file.
* You can retrieve the <part_name>_pr#.wrl files individually in Fly-Through.