Interface > Working with Data Exchange Formats > VDA > Exporting to VDA > Exporting to VDA
Exporting to VDA
You can create and use profiles for the export of part and assembly models to VDA. The VDA Export Profile Settings profile editor includes all options that control the export of 3D models to the VDA format. You must select VDA as the format and click Setup Export Profiles in the Parametric Options dialog box to access the VDA Export Profile Settings export profile editor and create a default export profile for the VDA format before you begin exporting the part and assembly models to VDA. You can alternatively access the VDA Export Profile Settings export profile editor from the Save a Copy dialog box after you have started the export task. To access VDA Export Profile Settings at runtime, select the Customize Export check box and click Options on the Save a Copy dialog box after you select VDA as the format for export. If you do not specify the use of the export profile for VDA, the system-defined default values that are defined in the current profile are used for the export.
Before creating a VDA file, you may want to establish a standard VDA file header. The system enters the VDA version, sender’s name, and date automatically. The sender's name is the user’s login ID. To fill in the other information, create a header file and specify its name with the extension, if any. All VDA files created in the Creo application follow the naming convention <objectname>.vda, where <objectname> is the name of the currently active assembly.