Interface > Working with Data Exchange Formats > DXF and DWG > Exporting Drawings to DXF and DWG > Export Drawing Scale
Export Drawing Scale
When you export a drawing to the DXF or DWG format, the Creo application generates the drawing scale to the DIMFLAC DXF/DWG environment variable. The export of the scale information is controlled by the dxf_out_drawing_scale configuration option.
When dxf_out_drawing_scale is set to no (the default), the drawing is exported without scale information.
When dxf_out_drawing_scale is set to yes
Scale information exports correctly for non-scaled views.
Detailed and other non-scaled views export the correct picture but do not transfer scaled dimensions.
When exporting multiple models with different scales, only the non-scaled views of the current model export with the correct dimension factor.
View Scale
When exporting, the entire drawing is rescaled so the main view scale becomes 1:1. For example, if the main view scale is 2:1, the drawing size is scaled .5, and all views including detail views, are scaled .5. A detail view scale of 4:1, for example, becomes 2:1.
All draft entities including the drawing format are resized at a scale factor of .5. For example, if the text within the dimension or notes had an original height of .125, it is resized to a height of .0625. In AutoCAD, it appears to be the same as the drawing that exists in the Creo application. When an entity is measured in one of the standard views, the result is the same as the dimension.