What's New: Creo Parametric 11.0 > > Model-Based Definition > Contextual Formatting Options for Tables
Contextual Formatting Options for Tables
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location:
Select the table, row, column, or cell. The Format and Table ribbon tab open.
Select the table, row, column, or cell. The contextual menu appears.
You can format tables and table objects quickly and easily.
When you select any table object, the contextual Format and Table ribbon tabs and the mini toolbar are shown with various formatting and table related commands. Use these commands to customize and make changes to the table or its contents as per your requirements.
Some of the formatting options available for tables in MBD include:
Text formatting
Cell formatting
Fill color
Add hyperlink
Adjust the height and width of rows or columns.
Add or delete rows or columns
Scale table
Merge or unmerge cells.
Blank or unblank cell borders.
Change font and thickness of table lines.
Semantic query and definition
Ability to quickly and easily update tables while maintaining full and intuitive control over text, cell, and table formatting.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
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