What's New: Creo Parametric 11.0 > > ECAD > ECAD Context Data Explorer Enhancements
ECAD Context Data Explorer Enhancements
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: In an ECAD assembly, click Model > ECAD Context Data Explorer.
Two new columns were added to the ECAD Context Data Explorer, one for color and one to set transparency:
Colors can be applied to ECAD layers and to entities inside the Nets. A mixed state is added to show that a specific layer can have more than one color applied to entities on it. This can be changed by selecting one color for the whole layer.
Transparency control for surface and quilt representations. Transparency control lets you choose an opacity value from 0 to 100 percent for any ECAD layer that uses the supported representations. This helps when layers overlap with each other or cover the board geometry that you want to see.
context data dialog box with transparency
Improved visualization of overlapping ECAD layers with the help of transparency.
Better visibility of ECAD layer colors.
Greater clarity of layer color coding.
Additional Information
Transparency is only available for surface and quilt representations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
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