What's New: Creo Parametric 11.0 > > Simulation > Expanded Results for Creo Simulation Live
Expanded Results for Creo Simulation Live
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location:
Changes to Simulation Probe—Live Simulation > Simulation Probe.
Additional dynamic query of live simulation results—Live Simulation > Simulation Query
More than 6 modes available for Modal Studies: Click Live Simulation > Study > Simulation Options and select upto 12 modes for a modal study.
The following enhancements to results in Creo Simulation Live are implemented:
You can now probe result quantities that are available on the results legend as well as additional result quantities such as mass flow, volume flow, heat, natural frequency. You can now create probes before running the simulation study.
You can select 12 mode shape values (earlier the maximum number of modes was 6). The first six mode shapes are the rigid body modes for an unconstrained model. You can probe the modal frequency for the selected mode.
You can probe the average value of result quantities such as stress, strain, temperature, mass flow, etc. for a selected reference.
Additional result quantities are available for static and total pressure.
Bodies are now selectable for results and probes, for all types of studies.
You can select multiple references of the same type when creating a probe for a result quantity. For example, you can select multiple surfaces over which to probe the average value of stress.
A dynamic query similar to that available in Creo Ansys Simulation allows you to query the value of a result quantity selected on the Results legend, at any point on the model.
The dynamic query can be converted to a probe and saved.
Many more result options are available to users.
All new probes can be used in Behavioral Modeling studies.
Users can dynamically query the value of a quantity at any point on the model.
The pressure drop use case is now possible with the static and total pressure results available.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
The dynamic query replaces the simulation probe (provides only value at point). The new simulation probe is similar to the probe available in Creo Ansys Simulation.
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
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