Creo Tutorials > Composite Design Tutorial > Exercise 9—Solidifying Plies > Review the IML Quilt and the Solidified Body
Review the IML Quilt and the Solidified Body
1. In Part mode, review the IML quilt as follows:
a. In the Model Tree, expand Design Items.
b. Click Bodies (2) and then select on the mini toolbar.
c. Expand Quilts (3).
d. Select Independent Geometry id 441 quilts (2), and then select on the mini toolbar.
The IML quilt is visible, as shown in the following graphic:
2. Review the solidified body as follows:
a. On the graphics toolbar, click Display Style > Shading With Edges.
b. Select Quilts (3) and then select on the mini toolbar.
c. Expand Bodies (2).
d. Select Body 2 and click on the mini toolbar.
The solidified body is visible, as shown in the following graphic:
3. Click File > Save to save the part.
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