Freestyle > Reconstructing Geometry > To Reconstruct Shapes from Facets
To Reconstruct Shapes from Facets
The facet feature or facet geometry that you want to use for reconstruction must be generated as a Topology Optimization result. If you use a regular facet reference, the reconstructed shape will be a regular Freestyle shape without a facet-shape link.
1. Click Reconstruct from facets on the Freestyle ribbon and then select the facet feature or facet geometry on the Model Tree. The Reconstruction Options dialog box opens.
Right-click the reconstructed shape in the Freestyle tree and click Reconstruct from facets if you want to modify an existing reconstructed shape. The Reconstruction Options dialog box opens. You must select the facet feature or facet geometry if the reference is missing.
2. Select one of the following resolution levels at which you want to display the reconstructed shape. A higher resolution results in a shape that is closer in appearance to the facet geometry, but performance is impacted.
Shape displayed without resolution
Resolution level 1, low resolution
Resolution level 2, medium resolution
Resolution level 3, high resolution
3. If required, select the Subdivide the reconstructed shape check box to subdivide the shape according to the resolution level you selected.
4. Click OK. The Freestyle tree displays the reconstructed shapes.
To unlink the facet feature from the reconstructed shape, right-click the reconstructed shape on the model tree and click Unlink from facets.
If you remove the facet feature or facet geometry generated as a Topology Optimization result, you are notified with a message about missing facet reference in the Troubleshooter dialog box. In such a case, you cannot reconstruct the associated shapes using the command from the right-click menu. You can update such a shape by unlinking the associated missing facet reference to create a regular Freestyle shape or selecting another facet reference for reconstruction.
However, modification in the facet reference does not affect the facet-shape link. You can reconstruct such shapes again by selecting the updated facet reference.
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