Freestyle > Performing Subdivision and Resolution > To Reset Mesh Changes in Resolution Mode
To Reset Mesh Changes in Resolution Mode
Click , , or , depending on the resolution level to which you want to reset the mesh changes. There are several ways of resetting the changes that you make in Resolution mode. The following table describes how to use the Reset, Reset Selected, and Reset Active Level commands.
How to reset
Freestyle Tree
Reset all changes associated with the selected resolution level nodes, including the nodes representing inactive resolution levels.
Right-click the resolution level nodes in the Freestyle Tree and select Reset.
Reset Selected
Freestyle Tree
Reset all changes made at the active resolution level for all selected shapes at that level.
Select one or more shapes with a resolution level activated, right-click, and then select Reset Selected.
Graphics window
Reset all changes made at the active resolution level for all selected shapes at that level.
1. Click Show Changed in the graphics toolbar to highlight the changed mesh elements.
2. Select the changed mesh elements.
3. Right-click in the graphics window and select Reset Selected.
Reset Active Level
Freestyle Tree or graphics window
Reset changes at the active resolution level for all shapes set to that level, excluding the locked shapes.
Make sure that no shape is selected.
Right-click in the Freestyle Tree or in the graphics window and select Reset Active Level.
To exit Resolution mode, right-click in the Freestyle Tree or in the graphics window and select Exit Resolution Mode.
If you do not reset the mesh changes that are made in Resolution mode, the mesh changes remain when you exit Resolution mode. After exiting Resolution mode, Freestyle operation performed on the changed mesh can result in the loss of changes made in Resolution mode.
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