To Create a Notch or Punch UDF
1. Create a simple sheet metal part with the desired cut feature. Be sure to keep references to a minimum and to sketch a coordinate system in the cut.
2. Click Tools > UDF Library. The UDF menu appears.
3. Click Create.
4. Type a name for the notch or punch UDF and click OK. The UDF OPTIONS menu appears.
5. Define the type of UDF file to create and click Done:
Stand Alone—The UDF is functional by itself. Create a complete .gph file. You can just pass the UDF file along and to recreate the part.
Subordinate—The UDF is driven by the current model. Create a .gph file, but with less information than the stand alone file. You need to pass along the .gph file and the current model to recreate the part.
If you chose Stand Alone and want to create a reference part, type Y; otherwise, type N.
6. Click Add on the UDF FEATS menu. The SELECT FEAT menu appears.
7. Define the UDF feature using either Select, Layer, or Range, and then click Done > Done/Return.
8. Click Yes for the prompt: Are you defining a UDF for PUNCH or NOTCH feature? <Y/N>:.
If you do not have a coordinate system in the feature, the UDF creation is aborted. The following error message appears: Selected CUT must have a coordinate system in the section. You can still complete the remaining steps, but your UDF will be undevelopable because the coordinate system is needed for manufacturing.
9. At the prompt, you are prompted to specify a tool name. Ensure that you enter the correct tool name because the tool is referenced when and wherever the UDF is used. This tool name prompt confirms you are creating a useable UDF. The SYMMETRY menu appears.
10. Define the symmetry flag for the tool:
X Axis—The tool is symmetrical about the X-axis of the coordinate system.
Y Axis—The tool is symmetrical about the Y-axis of the coordinate system.
Both—The tool is symmetrical about both the X and Y-axis of the coordinate system.
11. Type a prompt for the highlighted surface. Use simple naming conventions that will help you place the UDF. You need to type a prompt for each reference made during the cut creation. The MOD PRMPT and SET PROMPT menus appear.
12. Click Done/Return after naming all prompts.
13. Click OK on the UDF dialog box. The notch or punch UDF is created.
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