Piping > Manufacturing > Pipe Fabrication > Generating Pipe Spools > To Create a Spool Label for a Pipeline or a Spool Segment
To Create a Spool Label for a Pipeline or a Spool Segment
1. Click Spool. The Create Spool dialog box opens.
2. To create spool labels for a pipeline, under Select pipeline(s), select one or more pipelines for which you want to create spool labels. To create spool labels for spool segments, select one or more spool segments under Select spool(s). You can select the required pipelines or spool segments from the graphics window or from the Piping System Tree.
Under Options, Pipeline is selected by default that enables you to select pipelines. Click Spool to select individual spool segments instead of pipelines.
3. Under Parameters, specify the following:
If required, specify a prefix for the spool label in the Prefix box to substitute the value specified for the pipeline_spool_label_format configuration option. The default value is 0.
If required, specify a suffix for the spool label in the Suffix box to substitute the value specified for the pipeline_spool_label_format configuration option.
Specify a start number in the Number box for the spool labels that you want to create. The default value is 01.
The value 01 means that a two-digit spool label number is created with a leading zero. If you want to assign a three-digit spool label number, specify 001.
Specify an increment value for the generated spool label number in the Increment box. The default value is 1.
If you have selected a spool segment instead of a pipeline to create spool labels, you can click which is available adjacent to the Prefix, Suffix, and the Number boxes, to lock the boxes. If you lock these boxes, you cannot edit the corresponding values unless you use the Modify Spool dialog box to unlock the boxes.
4. Click OK to create spool labels for the selected pipelines or spool segments and close the Create Spool dialog box.
Click Apply to create the spools and continue using the Create Spool dialog box.
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