Other Modules > Working with Drawings > About Using Sheets in a Legacy Drawing
About Using Sheets in a Legacy Drawing
You can create drawings with multiple sheets and move items from one sheet to another. When there is more than one sheet in a drawing, an additional tag, "SHEET...OF...", appears at the bottom of the window.
Click Insert > Sheet to add a new sheet to the drawing and set the sheet to be current.
Click Edit > Remove > Sheet to remove a specified sheet or sheets.
Click Edit > Move Sheet. The Move Sheet dialog box opens. Use the Move Sheet dialog box to change the order of sheets in the drawing.
Click View > Go to Sheet. The Go to Sheet dialog box opens. Type the sheet number and select one of the following:
Previous—Opens the previous sheet.
Next—Opens the next sheet.
Click Edit > Move to Sheet to move individual detail items or 2D views from one sheet to another.
Format—Changes the drawing size.
Using New Window on the Main View menu, you can show multiple drawing sheets in multiple windows (or the same sheet in multiple windows) and pick in any one simultaneously).
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