About Excluding Surfaces and Outer Loops
For each method of gathering a volume, you can selectively exclude some loops or edges from the definition of the volume:
Gathering Method
Option for Excluding Loops or Edges
Surf & Bnd
Bndry Loops in SURF BND menu
Exclude in GATHER STEPS menu
The Bndry Loops command, available only if you gather using the Surf &Bnd option, appears in the SURF BND menu. Use Surf &Bnd after you have selected bounding surfaces for the volume. After choosing Bndry Loops, select any edges from the bounding surface that you want to exclude from the volume definition.
The Exclude command, available only if you gather using the Surfaces command, causes the GATHER EXCL menu to appear with the following commands:
Surfaces—Exclude some of the selected surfaces by selecting each of them individually.
Loops—Exclude outer loops. Use this option to delete unwanted portions of surfaces selected for gathering.
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