To Remove an Annotation Feature from Display
You can remove the annotation associated with an Annotation feature from the display in the graphics area, while leaving the Annotation feature itself in the regeneration sequence of the model. Such an Annotation feature behaves as any other Annotation feature: it fails regeneration if any of its Strong references are missing, you can rename it, redefine, reorder, and so on. When you select this Annotation feature in the Model Tree, its geometric references are highlighted in the graphics area.
To turn off the display of annotation associated with an Annotation feature:
1. Select the Annotation feature in the Model Tree.
2. Right-click on the feature name and select Hide from the shortcut menu.
All the annotation associated with the Annotation feature is removed from the display. The Annotation feature stays in the Model Tree, but the color of its icon changes to gray, to show that its annotation is hidden.
To turn on the display of annotation associated with a hidden Annotation feature:
1. Select the Annotation feature in the Model Tree.
2. Right-click on the feature name and select Unhide from the shortcut menu.
To temporarily remove an Annotation feature both from display and from the regeneration sequence, use the Suppress command.
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