To Create a Table Using the Insert Table Command
1. Open a model.
2. On the Annotate tab, click > . The Insert Table dialog box opens.
3. Under Direction, click one of the following options to specify the table growth direction:
◦ —Rightward and descending
◦ —Leftward and descending
◦ —Rightward and ascending
◦ —Leftward and ascending
The growth direction icon that appears selected represents the current growth direction of the table.
4. Under Table Size, specify values for number of columns and rows respectively in the Number of Columns and Number of Rows boxes.
| When creating the first table using the Insert Table command, the default values for the number of columns and rows are defined by the MBD detail setup options default_table_columns and default_table_rows. These defined values appear in the Number of Columns and Number of Rows boxes. |
5. Under Row, specify the row height for the table. Do one of the following:
◦ To automatically adjust the row height, select the Automatic Height Adjustment check box.
◦ To set a specific row height, clear the Automatic Height Adjustment check box and then specify the value for the table row height in model units or number of characters in the Height or Height in number of characters text boxes, respectively.
| When creating a new table, the default value for the row height in model units is defined by the MBD setup option text_height. The default height for a new table is set to one character height. |
6. Under Column, specify column width in model units or number of characters in the Width or Width in number of characters text boxes, respectively.
| When creating a new table, the default value for the column width in number of characters is defined by the setup option default_table_column_width. |
7. Click OK.
The table with specified rows and columns is displayed in the graphics window. Move the mouse pointer and select the location of your table. Left-click to place the table.
8. Click outside the table to exit the selection mode.