Table Tab for Tables
The Table ribbon tab appears alongside the Format tab when working in a table in MBD. The following options are available in the Table tab:
References—This command is available on table selection and individual cell selection; it is not available if a table row or column is selected. Click to open the References dialog box.
You can add semantic references to the table using the References command. You can use the Semantic query tool from the mini toolbar to query the associativity between the table's semantic reference to the model geometry.
This option is not available on multiple tables selection.
Save Table—Saves the table in the selected file format. When this option is selected, the Save Table dialog box opens to the directory specified by the value of pro_table_dir configuration option. If no value set for the pro_table_dir configuration option, then the save location is directed to the working directory or workspace.
This option is not available on multiple tables selection.
Rotate— Rotates the table by 90 degrees counterclockwise about its origin.
Set Rotation Origin—Changes the origin of the table. The rotation origin functions as a fixed point that acts as a constraint, preventing the table from expanding beyond that specific point during operations like scaling, inserting rows or columns or deleting rows or columns and so on.
This option is not available on multiple tables selection.
Update Table—Force updates the selected tables. If a value of an annotation present in a table is updated and the update is not reflected in the table. You can force update the table using the Update Table.
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