Format Tab for Tables
The Format ribbon tab appears when you select any table object(s) or select an existing table in MBD. The actions available on the Format tab varies based on the selection. Use the options on the Format tab to modify properties of the table.
The following groups and options are available for a table:
Style—Modify the font and style of the table text from the actions present in this group.
Font—Selects a new font for the table text.
Height—Modifies the height of the text character. Click to reset to the default height.
Color—Applies the selected color to the table text.
—Applies the selected color to the background of the cells.
Copy Text Style—Copies style attributes of the text from a cell in a table to other cell or multiple cells in the table.
Bold, Italic, and Underline—Applies the format to the selected text or to the entire table text.
Bold is not available for legacy or non-true type fonts.
Align Left, Center, and Align Right—Sets the horizontal alignment of the table text.
Top Align, Middle Align, and Bottom Align—Sets the vertical alignment of the annotation text.
Box—Applies a box outline to the selected text.
Superscript and Subscript—Applies the superscript and the subscript format to the selected text.
Thickness—Sets the character thickness of non-true type fonts. Click to reset to the default thickness.
Width Factor—Sets the character width/height ratio of non-true type fonts. Click to reset to the default width factor.
Slant Angle—Sets the slant angle.
Orientation Angle—Sets the note orientation.
Line Spacing Factor—Sets the line spacing factor. Click to reset to the default line spacing factor.
Kerning—Applies kerning to the text.
Mirror—Changes a note to its mirror image.
Hyperlink—Click . The Edit Hyperlink dialog box opens. You can add or edit a hyperlink and a screen tip for a note from the table, or remove a hyperlink.
Height and Width
Height—Specifies the row height in number of characters. This box is disabled when Auto Height is selected.
Width—Specifies the column width in number of characters.
Scale—Changes the scale of the table and height of the text in the table.
—Automatically adjusts the height of the row to display the content in the table.
Height and Width—Opens the Height and Width dialog box to modify the height and width of the rows and columns in a table.
Rows and Columns
Insert—Inserts rows or columns in the table.
Delete—Deletes the selected table object.
Merge Cells—Combines two or more table cells into a single cell.
Unmerge Cells—Splits the merged table cells.
The actions in the Borders group, except the Borders option, are available only when the entire table is selected.
Line Font—Changes the line style of the table boundaries. Click on the arrow and select the line style from the list of options available.
Line Width—Changes the width of the table lines. Specify the preferred line width in the box.
Line Color—Changes the color of the table borders.
Borders—Adds or removes borders to the selected table cells. Click the Borders drop-down and select a border style you want to show.
—Hides the selected border of the table cell.
—Shows the cell border that was hidden.
Text Editor
—Add or edit text in the selected cell of the table.
Wrap Text—Wrap multiple lines of text using the longest line as reference.
Security Marking—Designate a flat to screen table as a security marking.
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