Semantic Support for the Related Symbol and Surface Finish
The semantic query tool supports related symbols and surface finishes. In a semantic query mode, when you select a related symbol or surface finish, the corresponding semantic references are highlighted.
Consider the following, when running a semantic query for a symbol or surface finish related to an annotation that uses an offset placement:
When running a primary reference query, the parent annotation is highlighted. If a semantic reference is available for the related symbol or surface finish, then that semantic reference is also highlighted along with the parent annotation.
When running a secondary reference query, the related reference annotation and the parent annotation are highlighted.
When running a query for displaying similar annotations, the annotations with the same semantic reference are highlighted.
When a surface is used as a semantic reference, the related symbol or surface finish are highlighted. When a surface is used as a semantic reference for a stack leader, all stacked annotations including the related symbol or surface finish are highlighted.
Semantic query tool support is not available for annotations, with related symbol or surface finish, that are placed on the edge.
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