To Create Tables Using Quick Tables Gallery
The Quick Tables gallery is a collection of tables available for quick selection and insertion. The Quick Tables gallery displays two categories of tables: User Tables and System Tables.
User tables refer to tables corresponding to the .tbl file stored in the directory specified by the value defined in the pro_table_dir configuration option. If you do not set the value for the pro_table_dir configuration option, the user tables are loaded in the quick tables gallery from the working directory or workspace.
If there are no .tbl files that represent user tables, then the corresponding area in the quick tables gallery is not displayed.
System Tables refer to tables corresponding to the .tbl files stored in the <creo_loadpoint>/text/table directory.
To access the quick tables gallery:
1. On the Annotate tab, click Quick Tables from the Table group. The quick tables gallery opens with a preview of the User Tables and System Tables.
Alternatively, on the Annotate tab, click Table > Quick Tables.
2. Select a table from the list and place it in the graphics window.
Currently, MBD does not support repeat regions in tables. If you add a table with repeat regions, the repeat regions are ignored and only the table is imported.
The quick tables gallery contains the following sections:
Recent—Lists your most recently used tables. This section is visible when you place the first table.
To clear all the recent tables, right-click a table, then select Clear Recent Items.
Pinned—Lists pinned tables. This section is visible when you pin at least one table. To pin a table, right-click the table, then select Pin to gallery. The selected table now appears in the Pinned section.
To unpin all pinned tables, right-click the table, then select Clear Pinned Items.
To unpin a specific table, right click the table, then select Unpin from gallery.
You can use the quick tables gallery in the following ways:
Gallery Option
Click the arrow to display list of Recent, Pinned, User Tables, and System Tables.
Find a table by typing its name in the search box. The table is displayed. If your search matches multiple tables, all matching results are displayed.
Expand all sections and display the tables.
Collapse all the sections.
Click More Tables to use the tables from the disk.
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