Converting Legacy Annotations
You can convert the selected legacy annotations to modern annotations. The annotations created in Creo Parametric3.0 and earlier are legacy annotations. The conversion ensures the associativity between the legacy annotations and the modern annotations. You can convert the annotations primarily by using the following commands:
Convert—Use this command to convert a single selected annotation or group of selected annotations.
Convert All—Use this command to convert all annotations.
These commands are available on the shortcut menu. The legacy unconverted annotations are denoted by glyph. After conversion to modern annotations, the glyph does not appear.
You cannot assign parameters to unconverted annotations.
The conversion of unconverted annotations to modern annotation is an irreversible process.
When selection does not contain convertible legacy annotations, the commands are not available.
When you select an annotation that is already converted, and there are still annotations that were not converted on the model, the only command available when you right-click the converted annotation is Convert All. The Convert command is not available in this case
There are some commands and operations that also convert the legacy unconverted annotation. For example, when you select a legacy annotation and click Change Placement, the legacy annotation is automatically converted. Following are examples of commands and operations:
Select an annotation, open the References dialog box.
Select an annotation, select Change Placement from the mini toolbar.
Select an annotation, click Options, and select the Designate check box.
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