About Dragging Surface Finishes
You can move a surface finish symbol with a leader by selecting it and dragging it to the required location.
Click and drag the surface finish symbol with the four-way dragger ( ) to the required location, retaining the attachment point.
Select a surface finish symbol, and press SHIFT, to convert the four-way dragger to a way-way dragger (). This allows adjusting the length of the elbow without changing the leader position and elbow intersection point.
Additionally, the secondary draggers are available at the leader attachment point and the elbow end of the surface finish symbol. You can drag these draggers to change the position of the leader of the surface finish symbol.
You can drag surface finishes that are placed on an entity or normal to the entity. Selecting the surface finish activates the handle for dragging. To move the surface finish, drag the handle.
You can drag a surface finish as follows:
Freely on the placement surface in all directions, that is, XY-, and Z-direction.
Beyond the placement surface if the placement surface in the XY-direction if placement surface is planar.
In a controlled manner along the annotation plane’s XY-direction or along the annotation plane’s Z-direction by holding down the CTRL key while dragging.
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