Manufacturing > Milling > Engraving > To Specify Vertical Entry and Exit Motions in an Engraving Sequence
To Specify Vertical Entry and Exit Motions in an Engraving Sequence
1. When defining an Engraving NC sequence, click on the Parameters tab. The Edit Parameters dialog box opens.
2. Select Entry/Exit Motions from the Category list. A list of entry and exit parameters is displayed.
3. Select one of the following values for the CUT_ENTRY_EXT parameter for the entry motion:
NONE (default)—No entry move.
NORMAL—The entry motion is a straight line normal to the curve cut motion. The length of the line is defined by the APPROACH_DISTANCE parameter. For intermediate slices, the tool does not move to the retract plane.
ARC_TANGENT—The tool entry motion is tangential to the curve cut reference at the entry. The radius of the arc tangent is defined by the LEAD_RADIUS parameter. For intermediate slices, the tool does not move to the retract plane.
The ARC_TANGENT entry motion is not available as a separate tool motion for the engraving steps.
4. Select one of the following values for the CUT_EXIT_EXT parameter for the exit motion:
NONE (default)—No exit move.
NORMAL—The exit motion is a straight line normal to the cut motion. The length of the line is defined by the EXIT_DISTANCE parameter. For intermediate slices, the tool does not move to the retract plane.
ARC_TANGENT—The tool exit motion is tangential to the curve cut reference at the exit. For intermediate slices, the tool does not move to the retract plane.
The ARC_TANGENT exit motion is not available as a separate tool motion for the engraving steps.
5. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
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